
Musical Terms:
(i) Note:
a single tone(sound) of a definite pitch created by music instrument or humane voice called note. In music we denote notes by 7 alphabetic letters C,D,E,F,G,A,B and also with help of flat(b) and sharp(#) signs.

(ii) SCALE: set of musical notes ordered by specific intervals. (An arrangement of notes in system of music in ascending or descending order of pitch.)

(iii) Chromatic scale: All 12 notes of music i.e. C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B called cromatic notes.

(Iv) Chords: a group of notes usually three or more sounded together in harmony called chords,

Triad: chords of three musical notes, all major and minor chords are called tried, they are composed of three notes)

(v) C major scale: The C major scale (often just C or key of C) consists of the pitches
C, D, E, F, G, A, and B. Its key signature has no flats/sharps. Its relative minor is A minor.



1. C major scale on guitar. Notes of C major scale are – C D E F G A BThere are 7 notes in this scale, all natural, no flat or sharp signs in C major scale.

C major scale, first position

** for scale practice , go slow, each note should sound loud and clear, strictly use finger patterns suggested by post and not by self,

** practice ascending and descending order many time, in good time interval, (constant timing).


2. C major scale on single string: this is good for understanding of scale, and recognising notes on guitar fretboard.

Graphical picture shown here on 5th string and 2nd string, practice it in ascending and descending order as shown in video; at the same time identify note on fretboard.

Finger Pattern for Exercise:

Ascending: C1-D3-E3, D1-E3-F4, E1-F2-G4, F1-G3-A3, G1-A3-B3, A1-B3-C4

Descending: C4-B3-A1, B3-A1-G1, A3-G1-F1, G3-F1-E1, F2-E1-D1, E3-D1-C1 _________________________________________________________________________________

3. Two chords of ‘C major’ scale:

(i) C major chord (ii) A minor chord in Rhythm no-1 of this website.

Chord Practice Pattern: || C – -| C – – | Am – -| Am – -|| * Repeat again.


4. Exercise based on this lesson:

  1. Twinkle Twinkle

You can add one more line ‘GG FF EE D’ as suggested in video

Finger Picking Exercise-2:


Practice and tips for this week.

  1. Thanks, be encouraged once again I will say. Even if you get 70% of what is taught , practice it well and move ahead. This whole lesson is for one week.
  2. Make all notes and drawing in you notebook, especially of scales & its fret-board location.
  3. Go through exercises, do not intend to do 100% in first week, even if you get 70% move on, by daily practice it would be very easy soon..

    Thank you,

LESSON-3 and onward lessons are of paid subscriptions, Please Register for all the lessons of this site.


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